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Board of Education

Regular meetings of the Guntersville City Board of Education are held on the 4th Monday of every month, but may be changed to another date upon agreement of the Board. All Board meetings are public. Persons desiring to bring matters before the Board of Education for discussion may do so by submitting written requests to be included on the agenda. These requests should be made to the superintendent, at least, one week prior to the regular meeting date.

Before requesting to address the Board, questions, and concerns that involve instruction, discipline, transportation, and personnel may be solved by following a simple step-by-step Chain of Command Process:

 - Teacher
- Assistant Principal
- Principal
- Central Office Administrator
- Superintendent

If several individuals wish to address the Board concerning the same matter, the Board Chair may ask that a spokesperson for each side of an issue be selected to speak.  All public participation comments will be limited to three (3) minutes.